With Words, His Ways Revealed
The Cross, The Crest


The Deathly Battle For Life
Beyond Words
The Pool
To Know Him
To Be Purified
Trials And Pain
The Dawning
And Then God
I Was Alone
Conversation, Prayer
The Cross, The Crest
The Two Women
His Cleansing Power
The River That Is Us
Gifts of Faith
A Door Into The Heavens
Renée's Garden
Oft, It Seems
Imprints Of The Heart
About Me - Guestbook

The Cross

The growing love for my Saviour led me
to cry out, for His will in my heart and life
this I wanted, there was no doubt, I must
I must have Your will oh Lord, came the cries
from deep inside, teach my Thy ways my God,
in them I will abide

Never knowing until much later, the agony
and depair, on desiring to learn His will, walk
in His love and care, I had thought it would be
a walk of joy, happiness and laughing bliss, surely
it could not bring sorrow, or tear me from
things I would miss

I began this life long journey, and gained
insight never known, it took me from my
loved ones, required me to give up my home,
I lost the respect' of those who admired me
for suddenly I took a different turn, when
for those deep spiritual things I began to yearn

I walked the way of Calvary, tasting sorrow and
shame, knowing grief by it's bitter taste , as the
flesh within me began to die, agonizing in great
pain, this world a vale of tears, valley and shadow
of death, each commitment I made, must be put
to the test, only then can gold be wrest

Take up thy cross and follow me, were the words
spoken so plain and clear, in that holy manner
will He be brought so near, this is the way of
giving up, our own desires and want of gain,
hence it brings great sense of loss, to the flesh
brings pain

We cannot walk and please the world and
come close to our Father too, we must
choose one or the other, not an easy thing
to do, but the joy and peace, the contenment
and strength, cannot be measured in earthly
terms, they are infinite, only eternity can show
their worth


Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him,
and said to him, 'One thing you lack:
Go your way, sell whatever you have and
give to the poor, and you will have treasure
in heaven; and come, take up the cross*,
and follow Me.' *a trial or affliction
Mark 10:21 ~~~NKJV

June 28, 2001

                                The Crest

I was standing in the kitchen one day my mind on
what I should cook, when I saw from above
a hand reach down holding a quill within,
He took from one book my name written there
and to another He transcribed.
Your name is now written in the Book of Life,
I was told as I stood, speechless, stunned, amazed

While thinking on this that had transpired,
so unexpected, pondering in my head
what could it mean?
I then found my self standing on the Crest
of a vast hill, beyond my vision and as far
as my eye could see were rolling plains of grass
not green, not dead, golden yellow and waiting
for seeds to be scattered, to grow in the midst of it

Again my mind is moving and searching, perhaps to find
something in my memory to which this would relate,
the fields just grew, and grew . . .
in living, vibrant color
all the while scanning and scanning this panorama of
nothing but rolling plains of beautiful pale yellow grasses
What does this all mean Lord, what does it mean?
It doesnt disappear nor fade, just stays there before me
for hours as I go about my day always in front of me
when I look

Some time later it was spoken . . .
Your life lies before you a vista of enormous
proportions, one part is finished, another begun.
I had put on greater faith, greater understanding;
faithfulness and obedience had been proved . . .
all of those and more were now a part of me
that could never be undone, attributes would be
gained as forward I went into this that lay ahead
Not a foreign land or another locale,
but a greater vision, greater responsibility,
deeper depths and higher heights . . .
reaching out to all these and more

When we are a child we speak as a child,
when mature we put off childish things,
without growth we become stagnant, there is
no living water coming forth from our well or stream
We begin to die within, there is no
standing still in this life . . .
either we go forward or back . . . no in between
Not all have an experience such as this,
but all come to these places in their lives, in
their walk through this vale of sorrow, tears and trials
It is what we do with these times that makes us
what and who we are

What will you do when you come to this crest?
Take the challenge, or turn and walk back
the way you came? Consider

September 2000