With Words, His Ways Revealed
And Then God


The Deathly Battle For Life
Beyond Words
The Pool
To Know Him
To Be Purified
Trials And Pain
The Dawning
And Then God
I Was Alone
Conversation, Prayer
The Cross, The Crest
The Two Women
His Cleansing Power
The River That Is Us
Gifts of Faith
A Door Into The Heavens
Renée's Garden
Oft, It Seems
Imprints Of The Heart
About Me - Guestbook

Aurora  Borealis, Alaska
Aurora Borealis, Alaska

And Then God

I stood looking out at the mountains
bathed in the early morning sun, at the
dark clouds hanging lazily here and there,
not having decided whether to drop their
moisture on the earth below or go to another
place and time, a robin strutted just outside
the back door, stopping now and then to
pick up a seed, search for something to eat,
the earth smelled of rain, and it felt as one
about to be bathed with a shower from on
high, there was an early morning stillness
in the air, an occasional car going by
on the highway and the chirping of
birds the only sound

Suddenly in my mind's eye I saw
the earth as it was when He created it,
there was not a cigarette butt that mocked
pristine beauty, not an empty soda can,
an old whiskey bottle or a hamburger
wrapper from a fast food take out, nor
was there a dead limb on a tree, a dead
bird laying on the breast of the earth,
there were no garbage dumps, the rivers
ran pure, there were no junk cars in back
yards nor acres of them piled up as a
monument to the waste and arrogance
of man, nor was there a dumpster,
overflowing with the abundance
of food...

I heard no hand raised in anger to
another, no voice spewing out
cursing to their creator, there was
no blood spilled on the ground, not
a child crying in hunger as his dying
mother lay dying from disease and lack
of care, there were no bodies lying on the
concrete sidewalks where they had been
gunned down by the hand of another, no
woman bruised and broken at the hand of
her husband, no child sitting in the corner
fantacizing of having a mother who loved
her, all was at peace, and serene in this
world I saw, no disunity or rebellion
anywhere...God had not yet created

written  April 18, 2001