With Words, His Ways Revealed
The Dawning


The Deathly Battle For Life
Beyond Words
The Pool
To Know Him
To Be Purified
Trials And Pain
The Dawning
And Then God
I Was Alone
Conversation, Prayer
The Cross, The Crest
The Two Women
His Cleansing Power
The River That Is Us
Gifts of Faith
A Door Into The Heavens
Renée's Garden
Oft, It Seems
Imprints Of The Heart
About Me - Guestbook

The Dawn

The Dawning

This poem is unusual in that it is
dedicated to those who feel the touch of these
words deep within, and you sense the truth of it.
Some I know and many I do not.May it bless you.


I have heard your heart
as it spills out the doubts, fears
and wonderings of life, the past has
overshadowed the present, blocking the sun,
but still it seeks to shine, bursting forth at times

Your faith has crumbled as an ancient wall
the ruins lay at your feet, ever reminding you
of the beauty that was, and seems gone forever
and yet hope springs forth as a small flower in rubble
struggling to grow; bring beauty in a desolate place

As the ghosts of yesterday boldly appear when
least expected, not wanted but there in one's vision,
the pain, loss of loved ones, abuse or betrayal, all done
and over, but the images still persist, heavy they press
against your heart at times, you struggle to break free

And I have seen the dawning of your faith, as hope
shall spring forth in power, breaking the bands which
have bound freedom in your breast, I know it shall be,
very clear in my mind, I saw it with clarity and precise
vision, you shall overcome, stand on the mountain, free

There is faith which persists in darkness, believing
against odds and obvious signs, and there is faith
which worketh by love, it is bright and glowing as the
orb of gold in the evening sky, that is the faith with which
I have seen the dawning of love and belief within you

It is real and clear, though you have not yet seen, I
have seen and wait, we must go through the darkness
to see the dawn, when sick, we must experience the
healing to arrive at health, to become mature we must
travel through childhood, adolescence and youth...

There is the journey, though you cannot see where
it is leading, the pitfalls and darkness are all a part
leading to where, has been the call of your heart,
listen closely, deep within you can hear, a part of
you knows, feels, senses the journey's end...

And the Dawning of a New Day

sharon ~
written September 6, 2001

White Rose, courtesy of Webshots.com

Emergence In Love

Sorrow has flown, and yet it returns
perches on my shoulder, seeking any remnants
in dusty corners of my mind, closets of the heart
yet uncleaned, unknown, forgotten

I lay my head in the lap of peace, find comfort
in His love as she seeks, searches for any hidden
grief, loneliness, an empty space or void, the broom
of faith shall sweep away the dust when found

Joy is waiting, ready to burst forth in song,
this too shall pass, but a moment in life's hour
a wafting breeze brought melancholy, days gone
by, their scent still lingers in my mind

I reach out to touch the many so connected
whether on this plane or that which is higher still,
I draw the love which always waits, around me as
a quilt, comforter of sorrows past

I see the faces of those who filled my life
leaving imprints indelible, secure, within the
framework which is me, a smile, a touch, a lingering
feel of eternities promise, it is in the cells of me

I wait in this moment, held secure in the arms
of He from whom I came, no yesterday, tomorrow
or next week, there is now, always now, no other time
or place matters, they are in His hands, complete

The laser beam of truth and light shines so brightly
I wait it's healing, renewing work, from that Spirit
all divine and wondrous, held in the cocoon of
metamorphosis, I shall not remain as I am

emerge more lovely, complete and whole, shattered
parts melded in love, no dust or molecule of doubt,
fear or black shroud of death shall remain, in beauty of
Him shall I shine, as others too, wait for that perfect work


sharon  ~ July 1, 2002