With Words, His Ways Revealed
The Pool


The Deathly Battle For Life
Beyond Words
The Pool
To Know Him
To Be Purified
Trials And Pain
The Dawning
And Then God
I Was Alone
Conversation, Prayer
The Cross, The Crest
The Two Women
His Cleansing Power
The River That Is Us
Gifts of Faith
A Door Into The Heavens
Renée's Garden
Oft, It Seems
Imprints Of The Heart
About Me - Guestbook

Pool, representing Love.

The Pool

We were walking this path, the many of us
some known, some unknown
A path that went sometime up and sometime down
and then it also went around, a bend, a curve
and up an icy steep
But the journey was concentric to us all
you see, diverging and coming back together
Now we had come to an outspreading in the road
many there were that had arrived at this sheltered area

In the near distance we beheld a pool sitting before
nestled in the earth, its arms holding it there
it was not particularly lovely or spectacular, but of
nature it seemed, carved by the creator Himself.
I thought not much of it, another place of water
refreshing and inviting, on our journey to beyond

I lifted my eyes to the other side and beheld a man,
He stood... softly looking, waiting. . . as my eyes met his
I fell into the arms of Love, His compassion
melted my very soul, my heart fell at His feet
No longer aware of my surroundings,
I was lost in His gaze,
This was He whom my soul loveth, the gift
from Our Father, the sacrifice slain
from the Foundation of the World, I had
seen Him before but not as now.

We stood locked in the arms of Love personified
moment of epiphany that would change me from
the core my existence, I would walk from here
with a rearranging of my cells.
Without words being spoken, He . . . made me to know,
the waters before me were Love, through them I would
have to cross for my journey to be complete.

I stood transfixed in that moment, knowing I would
go back to be tested in every area of my life . . .
making love the catalyst of everything I did
from that time on, unaware as I walked away,
my steps were taking me into the refiners fire
I would not come forth until that process was complete..

Since, I have screamed, prayed, fell on my face weeping
and begged to be taken from that fire,
but a deal was struck that day not to be taken lightly
and something strong within me was forged. . .
the dross is being purged a little at a time. . . until
the culmination . . . I shall step from that fire unable
and unwilling to ever, return to my former state.

Each person stood at the pool that day,
making their own choice, not knowing it was destiny
for we were standing in. . . The Valley of Decision.

sharon     September 2000