With Words, His Ways Revealed
Gifts of Faith


The Deathly Battle For Life
Beyond Words
The Pool
To Know Him
To Be Purified
Trials And Pain
The Dawning
And Then God
I Was Alone
Conversation, Prayer
The Cross, The Crest
The Two Women
His Cleansing Power
The River That Is Us
Gifts of Faith
A Door Into The Heavens
Renée's Garden
Oft, It Seems
Imprints Of The Heart
About Me - Guestbook

Pulse of faith, it ever burns, strong and clear

The Pulse of Faith burns, bright and strong.
It's power and strength lifts us above the
troubled waters of this earth.

As The Lilies Of The Field

Every day I watch the little chickadees
out my window, as they flit around finding
food on these cold winter days, I had a short
log hung in the tree, holes filled with suet
waiting eagerly each day to see if they would eat,
none of them came near it though I waited and
watched, then the cold struck suddenly and 
they came, pecking at that suet avidly in every
little place they could find, now I understood,

When there was no need they went other places
to eat, the day it was needed, their hunger
and warmth they filled, what a lesson I saw
in that, so I thought about how it is said
God feeds the ravens and they don't sow or reap,
and how He clothes the lilies of the field in
their beauty, and so much more will He do for
us, now I thought upon that for awhile...
is it true, that will He do?

Then I remembered that the children of Israel
were fed in the wilderness, daily, and the
widow's meal and oil never went dry, about
the crowd of five thousand men Christ fed with
five loaves and two fish with baskets left over,
then there was the water turned into wine at the
marriage in Cana, but those events occurred a
long, long time ago and God doesn't do things
that way anymore, or so I have heard it said

My mind came to modern times and the things
I knew for sure, of my old Auntie many years
ago, she was hungry and no one knew, when she
went to her door for some reason, there was a
large bag full of food; the time someone
brought a christmas box to my house and
no one I had told, so many provisions and
times He met needs, I can't even count them,
we were down pretty low, when Gary was walking,
found one hundred dollars in the snow, over
and over when I couldn't provide, He always
found someway to prove He was there, and
show me that He cared,

So what am I saying as I write this poem,
that all should quit work and go sit at home,
no that is not it, not it at all, but I am
saying on Him we can call, when the problems
get more than what we can handle, or you
lose your job, get sick or injured, because
we don't believe and have faith, many times
it seems He is just a trace of mystery and
myth, but faith is believing no matter what
you see, and standing on it until the answer will be

Maybe today you feel you don't need His help
but it's not just in money or food that you
put on the shelf, for depression or sorrow, or
fears of tomorrow and children who stray or
someone who has lost their way, He is life,
He is joy, He is that added spark in your life,
when you have no reason at all to sing or be free,
suddenly from inside the words just break loose,
and you find you are singing a song of joy
and praise, so I say if He clothes the lily
of the field and feeds the raven too, why
oh why can't He take care of me and you


November 16, 2000