With Words, His Ways Revealed
Trials And Pain


The Deathly Battle For Life
Beyond Words
The Pool
To Know Him
To Be Purified
Trials And Pain
The Dawning
And Then God
I Was Alone
Conversation, Prayer
The Cross, The Crest
The Two Women
His Cleansing Power
The River That Is Us
Gifts of Faith
A Door Into The Heavens
Renée's Garden
Oft, It Seems
Imprints Of The Heart
About Me - Guestbook

Learning Through The Storm 
First thing I realized when I woke
the migraine had held on from yesterday
not the desired start to one's day I'd say
and so it is I began this one slowly and with care

I am so thankful this is a rare occurence
for years I was plagued with them often
even with pain medication, not a pleasant thing,
many times I came before my Father for comfort

This day after a few hours I lay down
it was then I felt His arms lift my spirit
above the day and pain, into a peace,
it flooded me with love, He knows and cares

The hours seemed to go by slowly
the time wearing on til evening came
I looked out the westward window, a large
cell of heavy black clouds, hiding sunset

The wind was blowing strong, I was
held by the sight and sound, such power
the display of elements so moving and strong
they enlarged and filled the sky, brooding

It was then I lay down once again as the
pain pounded through my head, and He, once
more took me up in His arms, we were in the midst
of the black storm, there was no fear but peace

As He held me there, I saw and experienced
His Light in me drive back the darkness, it's
power could not effect me, I was transfixed by
the event, His Spirit within, held darkness at bay

I knew, felt and experienced that something
was happening in me, no matter the trial,
always He teaches and does an inner work, this
day was no different, I grow in His love and Spirit


written March 2001


Above The Storm

I shielded my eyes as I gazed high above,
gliding on the thermals was a lone eagle,
oh how I would love to join him as he soared,
way above the mundane and trivial, the fearful
and abominable, rising to meet the storm,
the dark clouds only serving to lift him higher,
I thought of the scripture telling us of the
end result which only comes from the
act of waiting on, seeking out, the Lord,
it is in that process we begin to see
His face, as we soar above the doubts,
fears and insecurities within, into the
rarified and pure atmosphere of that
which is spiritual and cannot be tainted
by the emotions and vagaries of the
realm of flesh, the earthy

As this great bald eagle lifted and
rode on the currrents far and away,
my eye must strain to see him, yet he
could see all beneath him, standing on
the ground I could only see that which
was close to me, my view blocked by
anything higher than I, his was unimpeded,
and wide, detailed and all encompassing
was that which he saw, I could only
think of the times I had soared in the
Spirit as this magnificient bird was
doing, my eye could see far in the
distance and beneath, I had understanding
of the events and circumstances
which troubled, understood why they
were and the benefit which derived
from them, and knew the things
which were of no value

He circled lazily and into my view
came another, it seemed to be a young
one, learning perhaps, practicing, under
the auspices of the older, mature bird,
and I think of those who helped me to soar,
and rise above the cares and fears which
gripped my mind and spirit, they gave me
to know through their testimony and
teaching that I could rise as high in God
and His Spirit as I dared by faith to go,
the only limit was my own doubts and
fears, and those were subject to me, I
could stay with the birds who nested in
trees close to earth, find my sustenance
where it was most safe, or I could seek
out that which I was sent here to do, wait
in patience as my wings developed, and
know, when the soft feathers were taken
from my nest, it was time to exercise and
soar, Oh my eagle friend, I am coming to
join you, I shall rise above and soar on the
thermals of the storm that rages around me,
by faith I will glide with the wings of His
Spirit within, I will rise to greet the morning


But they that wait upon the LORD shall
renew their strength; they shall mount up with
wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint. Isa:40:31:

sharon ~~ April 2001
