With Words, His Ways Revealed
A Door Into The Heavens


The Deathly Battle For Life
Beyond Words
The Pool
To Know Him
To Be Purified
Trials And Pain
The Dawning
And Then God
I Was Alone
Conversation, Prayer
The Cross, The Crest
The Two Women
His Cleansing Power
The River That Is Us
Gifts of Faith
A Door Into The Heavens
Renée's Garden
Oft, It Seems
Imprints Of The Heart
About Me - Guestbook

Ringed moon by John Bell , Webshots Photo Gallery

A Door Into The Heavens

We were looking up into the sky at what
appeared to be a door, an opening to the
heaven's, around the moon was a great ring,
so wide and large it was, and in the center
was the bright, white moon with just a few
stars sprinkled within, outside of this ring all
was cloudy and dim, a circle in the heaven's as
bright as day and all inside sparkling as if to say,
look over here, the rest of the canopy of the night,
milky and indistinct, white

I stood looking at this display wondering
what it was about, how is it that the brightness
within is in such contrast to the surround, one
felt if they could rise they would go right up
into this brightness and leave this dim and
distant world behind, maybe it was a window and
not a door at all, as I gazed it seemed I could
see beyond the moon and it's companions, as if
they were lighting the way to something beyond,
my mind so taken by this magnificent view

It seemed they would say something to me if
I could only hear, what is it, the message
they would relay were my ears attuned, is there
something you are trying to tell me, is this
a sign of impending doom or a great work of
peace, just what is this I see as I look unto thee,
it is not just the usual of that I am sure, a
new look your wearing on this bright freezing night,
as I look into your eyes in the heaven's I see a
brand new light, I still stand there gazing in awe
trying to comprehend just what it is that I saw,
when I stepped out the door of my house, it
seemed you were beckoning me from way out in space,

This feeling has not left and a day has passed,
I looked out there tonight, and it is not the
same sight, the canopy is closed not a window
in view and so I am left wondering just what ensued,
it was almost as if I could have reached up and
touched the face of God, or stretched forth my
arms and went right out of sight, a great magnet,
was it there and could I if I had tried? in that
moment it seemed that it was all so close, my
heart skipped a beat as I pondered on this,
the moon, the few stars and the sky the
background, so bright, bright almost clear to my eyes

Is this how easy it is to touch God, just
stand there and gaze into His eyes from this sod,
so illuminated was this open door, this window
if you please, it almost brought one down to
their knees, I tell you it's true, there was
something different that night, it seemed my
vision was so clear I had extra sight, I could
see beyond the moon and the stars, it was as if
there was something waiting for my awakening,
one more glimpse and I could have gone way
out into space, with nothing to stop me
I would have soared for days,

This may seem so strange to your mind as
you read, but you were not there as I stood
staring at the sky trying to read the message
in front of my gaze, it was illuminated you know?
I could see beyond the realm known to me, I
could peer into the next beyond where the
mysteries begin, of how He stands and guards
all that goes on among men, yes that is it I
believe as I stood there that night, I saw
the eyes of God watching His creation, and His
gaze was so intense it stirred my soul, His
loving, compassionate eyes and they were oh
so bright and clear, intense and powerful,
the curtain was pulled back, I could see!
I could see! His wonderful eyes of truth and love,
they opened a door in the heaven's and for that
space in time, I saw Him looking down upon man,
even now I could weep and bow down in awe,
as I watched and I intensely thought, what
oh what do I see, now I know, I saw God
looking down upon me


November 15, 2000

A Door Into The Heavens ~ Webshots Photo

The Window To Beyond

For some, death comes quickly, unexpected
and others know; await it's knock on their lifes door

There are those who fear it, run if they can
not wanting to think of it, beyond this life's span

It has a sting and very dark connotation
So much grief and sorrow has come through it's invitation

But I know a man who conquered death, hell and the grave
and with His life, great vistas of joy and hope He gave

I don't spout great platitudes or push Him onto folks,
but live what He taught and gave to me; inspiring other's hopes

Death is the great unknown, fearful and so dark
because we cannot see beyond it's oh so frightful spark

I have seen the window open, glimpsed beyond this realm,
for me there is no fear of death, there is One at the helm

It is not of flesh and blood, nor material which does decay
it is of spirit, hope and light, which never goes away

There is a curtain, veil which hinders sight with these old eyes
but there is vision beyond this earth, we can view the prize

It is an inner knowing, a seeing far away, beyond
one can hear the truth as it is spoken, written on the heart

It is a substance deep within, as real as any flesh
or organ in the body, intertwined with knowlege to impart

For some death comes quickly, unexpected
and others know; await it's knock on lifes door

There is a realm beyond this time, outside barriers we know
I can only speak this truth, and pray it's blessing on you bestow

June 28, 2002