With Words, His Ways Revealed
His Cleansing Power


The Deathly Battle For Life
Beyond Words
The Pool
To Know Him
To Be Purified
Trials And Pain
The Dawning
And Then God
I Was Alone
Conversation, Prayer
The Cross, The Crest
The Two Women
His Cleansing Power
The River That Is Us
Gifts of Faith
A Door Into The Heavens
Renée's Garden
Oft, It Seems
Imprints Of The Heart
About Me - Guestbook

Norway's River- Webshots.com
Norway's River

The River Raging

There is a river raging, it is within my soul,
and from where it started, I had no control
It seems it was unleashed from deep down below,
now running rampant, many wild emotions it
has enrolled, rushing over every stone and boulder
in it's way, over these feelings I have no sway

Oh maybe I could cover them, direct the flow,
but sooner or later, they would again show, let this
tide run, so wide and free, over many pains and
sorrows, it will wash them from me, it was a hidden
flood, deep within my earth, underground currents
have now been given birth

It is coming in like a flood, surging through canyons
deep, into every crack and crevice I can feel it seep, there
is residue of sorrow from childhood, it is lifting it away,
and the divorce of my parents which brought a sad day,
I can feel the currents roiling, as I hold on for dear life

And memories come flooding, times of sorrow and strife,
the time of such great loneliness, so many years ago, I see
a tinge of it still dwelling deep within my soul, Oh Father
let these waters roll and cleanse away the deep debris,
Thou Oh Lord know every inward part, which is within me

I quietly wait as this river still surges, slowing down
at times of upward climb, knowing all it touches will
become serene again, sublime, oh the depth of emotion,
and pain which rages through, but I know that there will
be new growth, when all this upheaval is through

Written December 2001

Madison River, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming


                  The River                  

There is a river, which is crystal clear
it can be seen from any direction
and from far and near
its waters flow freely waiting
for all to come and bathe
in the clear, pure, gentle flow
of Gods Eternal Love

There is a river, it flows from out His throne
its tributaries are many
reaching every land thats known
it has no boundaries, it never stops its flow
it goes on forever never flooding, never drowning,
healing all who feel its touch

It is there for strength and joy
It is there for pain and woe
You can always see it flowing
no matter where you go

So if youre feeling bitter
its water will make you sweet
and if youre so discouraged
you can see no light ahead
just step into these waters
with new life you will be fed

It will quench your thirst and hunger
it will be your daily bread
its propensity for life
will meet whatever need you have

Drink deeply of its waters
take some to give your friends
there is no short supply
its life will never end

It will not become polluted
nor will it muddy be
for this river, you see, is flowing
from the source of you and me

Sharon   August 2000